Monday, March 3, 2008


Sucks that I am sick on such a beautiful day. Beautiful for Endicott anyways. I stayed home and slept all day, I definitely could've napped outside.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Oxford Comma

by Vampire Weekend.

Glow In The Dark Tour

I notice I have a lot of music related posts. Whatever. Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Rihanna, Pharrell and N.E.R.D are playing at a venue kind of close to us. On 5/18/08 the mentioned artists are performing at the Toyota Pavilion in Scranton, PA. This is huge, those are all A-list hip hop stars. I'm going with a bunch of friends. Get the tickets while they last.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Job

I have a pretty sweet job for a high school student. I sell major appliances at Kmart. I am employed by Sears, but am located at Kmart, its a tough thing to explain. I really like my job because most of the time I get paid to stand there and look snazzy in my work attire. Men in my department are required to wear shirt , tie etc. The duties that come with this job is of course to sell, and talk to the customers. I'm lucky to get a nice wage plus commission for the stuff I sell. The work schedule is lenient too, which is necessary for school, sports and weekends. So if anyone needs a washer, dryer, or refrigerator just holler! (i'll give you a discount)

Business Card

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Building a Perfect Snowman

Since we're gonna have a lot of snow, why not share our ideas of what a perfect snowman should look like. I prefer my snowman to be atleast as tall as me. I am six feet tall so it might take awhile if I do it alone. But everyone knows its against the rules to build one alone. I just roll the snow until its roundish and stack them on top of each other. Then after the body is formed, I go for other features. For arms, it depends on what supplies I have at my disposal. I could either use sticks or shovels. For the face, whatever is in my refrigerator will work. I use a carrot as the nose. Then after its done, I leave my masterpiece outside and reminisce on other times I built a snowman. After a couple days, I tackle or dropkick the snowman apart, so he doesn't have to suffer in the cold anymore.

Catchy Tunes

I'm a big fan of hip hop and R&B music. I don't really like Rihanna, but her song "Don't Stop the Music" is pretty sweet. If it came on at a dance or in a club, nobody would be standing still. Its a got a strong background melody that will surely make you get down. Another song that is good is "Superstar" by Lupe Fiasco. Catchy beat, awesome hook, just good overall song in my opinion. I'd bump those songs in my car anytime.


I'm gonna start posting more. This one doesn't count though.